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Roy Torda

You can do anything here—the only prerequisite is that it makes you happy.”

 – Bob Ross

Who I am

I am a 23 year old artist from the Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina with a Bachelor’s Degree in Studio Arts from Western Carolina University’s Fine Arts program. I have grown up in the mountains for most of my life and draw a lot of inspiration from the environment around me. I have worked in art related fields for most of my young adult life; painting murals, assisting with summer camps, and designing multiple websites for WCU. 

I create art armed with nothing but a love of pthalo blue and a blind confidence that I can learn any handicraft in under an hour given the materials to do so. I create art quickly, never lingering on one project or medium longer than a few weeks before trying something new. Learning about methods of art is important to me and I incorporate every new technique and style into my work wherever I can. My favorite mediums for my projects are oil painting, book binding, and photography but I have dabbled in everything from sketching to fiber arts to sculpture.

I have lived in the Appalachian Mountains for most of my life and the culture and scenery of the area work their way into my art no matter what I’m doing. I draw stylistic inspiration from the Art Nouveau, Pre-Raphaelite, and Impressionist movements with techniques ranging from modern to the Renaissance and sometimes as far back as the prehistoric era.

My subject matter focuses on politics, nature, human connections, and the environment. My goal in my art is to make people think about and be aware of the world around them and feelings within them. 

My Works

Support Local and National Causes

Climate Forests is an organization that is working to stop logging in mature and old growth forests located on public lands. There are at risk forests all over the country, including six within the Appalachian Mountains.

Dedrabbit is a website featuring locally owned businesses such as bookstores, record stores, and craftsmen. They promote businesses in every state as well as online and in several countries outside of the USA.

The National Parks Foundation is the official nonprofit partner to the National Parks Service. They work to conserve and protect National Parks all around the country and provide education about conservation, history, sustainability, and more.

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